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First Name*

Last Name*

Grade Level (based on 2024-25 school year)


Email Address*

Please check all training sessions below that you would like to sign up for. *If we get enough sign-ups on our wait list, we may open a second session. Please sign up to be on our wait list if you are interested*

2024 Waiver* 

In consideration of my use of the premises at 810 E Pole Rd, S Lynden, WA 98264, I do hereby release, waive, New Life Fellowship Church, property owners, and D-BLOCK BASKETBALL, LLC including any of its volunteers or 
affiliates from liability from any and all claims including negligence resulting in personal and bodily injury, accidents, illnesses (including death) and property loss to me or my child &/or legal charge arising from use of premises while participating in basketball &/or strength & agility training on this premises. This also includes the known risk of contracting the pandemic virus covid-19 and other illnesses. 
I hereby grant D-BLOCK BASKETBALL LLC, permission to use and/or publish photographs or videos of my child electronically such as websites and social media in the manner of representing youth basketball.  

Your training dates WILL NOT be held until we receive full payment. *

Once you submit this form, you will receive an email in the next 24 hours confirming your dates and payment instructions. Payment is required to hold any training dates. Max 4-14 players per session. If we have not received your payment then your spot will be given to the next paying player if that session has reached its max compacity. 


Player Information-Training

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